Saturday, September 1, 2007

Enter September

Well, it's now September. I can't believe how fast the summer went. The season of changing leaves, brisk winds, wearing jackets in the morning, is now upon us. Also, it's back to school for me, and no more surfing online for hours on end.

This year I have resolved to actually keep up with my studying and not fall behind. The official start date for school is Sept. 10th so I've got 10 days to get ahead of my studies. I realize this is going to be difficult. Crazy difficult. Slacking is in my blood.

I started on Module 1 yesterday afternoon and realized it's a bunch of dry background theory. I was just going to skim over it to get to the good stuff when I saw on page 1 of the text "this chapter should not be skimmed over." Apparently it's essential to this course like a building foundation. Damnit.

I also read over this guide to improve your study habits. They had all these lists of bad habits that students fall into, and I was guilty of every single one of them. I started laughing because it felt like they had surveillance on me all of last year, and merely wrote down my actions and behaviour.

My Life Over Last Week

I decided to start taking the stairs when I get home from work. So, Tuesday and Wednesday I walked all the way up the stairs. In total over the two days that is 372 stairs. I woke up Thursday feeling fine, but by 9:00 at work my legs started to scream pain in the calves.

I wanted to participate in the August Mission over at The Hellblog Network but the camera batteries were 100% dead and unrechargeable. Also, we were broke until payday Thursday.

So Thursday rolls around, I finish work, come home (I took the elevator) and ordered pizza. Kevin then calls me saying he's at Carlos and Murphy's with some friends from work and I should come join them. So I do, after I quickly try and do something with my hair and apply some makeup. The walk almost killed me. Kevin says I walk like there's something wrong with me. I answer, yes there is, my calves are wrong. They are broken because I tried to make myself healthier by getting some daily exercise. That'll show me.

I had a bit of a hangover on Friday. I admit, I've had much worse. It was more just an overwhelming tiredness. Thank God I only work 4 hours on Fridays.

I had another follow up appointment with Lasik MD. They said my eyes have healed perfectly and my vision has improved again. I actually read the 20/15 line with my right eye. I had a bit of trouble reading it with my left eye.

I got home, installed ACCPAC on my computer and started working through the tutorials on it. I then decided to relax on the couch, promptly fell asleep and woke up at 9pm. I then went to bed.

That brings us to today. My calves still hurt like a bitch. I still don't have batteries for my camera. I have to do laundry, dishes, general clean-up of the apartment, grocery shopping. I have to study.

I just reserved a copy of Best Life Magazine at the Grant Park McNally Robinson. This issue has a short story by Chuck Palahniuk that I don't want to miss out on. I'll wait until Kevin gets home to go get it because I'm not walking anywhere today.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Just Because Day

Today is Just Because Day. If there's something you want to do for no reason then do it.


-take an unplanned vacation day
-knock on someone's door and compliment them on their lawn
-jump in a puddle
-walk backwards

This is from the list of examples the article gave. Like I'm going to skip work. I actually like my job. I get paid more money than I've ever been paid in my life to sit at the front desk typing stuff and answer the un-busy phone. I can listen to my mp3 player all day.

I only read about this around 8pm and I decided to do nothing, like usual...just because.

Tomorrow is Race Your Mouse Day. The authors said they don't know if it's supposed to be a computer mouse or a real mouse. Either way, it's kinda nuts.

I looked and my birthday is Video Games Day.

Anyways, below is the link to visit the site.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Fun Saturday Night ♥


Tonight was the best night I've had in a long time! I've been getting quite angsty for the past few weeks because I've just been sitting around the apartment surfing online all night long. This morning I messaged my friend Heather saying we need to get together sometime and she said hey, why not tonight?

So we hung out at BP on the patio all night long. Her and 3 of her friends. It was awesome. This is what life is supposed to be like. Connecting with other people, sharing fun times, getting out there and enjoying life.

Don't get me wrong, I love my life with Kevin, but sometimes he just wants to relax at home because he has a hard labour job and he's exhausted when he gets home. I sit at a desk all day long and have endless energy at the end of the day and want to do something. It causes conflict sometimes. Unfortunately, I feel guilty about going out by myself and leaving him alone, but the thing is, he doesn't mind. He's fine with staying home alone playing World of Warcrack. Don't get me wrong, I love WOW. I'm a level 39 Tauren Druid whose trades are herbalism and alchemy. But sometimes I get anxious and want to get out and interact with people in the real world.

We've agreed to go out to the Spike in a few weeks and I already can't wait. I haven't been out to the bar since....last October. Wow, that is sad. I'm only 26 years old and you only live once.

I'm over the top right now. It's amazing how much you can appreciate the little things like hanging out with your friends when you've been deprived for so long. =)